Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Guts and Glory

Pop culture has always had a way of glamorizing controversial issues and taking a rather liberal position on them. Today, it is impossible to turn on the television and not see a sex scene on a popular TV show or advertisement. The same has become true of vigilantism and violence in general. Dozens of shows center around characters who use violence to solve the problems they encounter; whether they have good intentions or not. People have become desensitized to the blood and gore ever present on their screen. Personally, I was watching a show last night where a man lost his eye and I didn't even flinch, only wondered what retaliation would be taken to avenge this act on the next episode.

So how does pop culture advocate vigilantism?
  1. They continually use it as a way to lure in an audience; the promise of violence has become one of the largest attractions on TV.
  2. Rarely are the negative consequences of the lifestyles shown and even when they are they are treated as a burden that must be bore in order to accomplish good.
  3. Often the vigilantes are seen as 'heroes' by those in their community and in some cases even local law enforcement begin to agree with them. 
  4. Producers and directors constantly poke at the insecurities of the American people such as the flaws in the court system.
  5. On a more subtle note, the actors and actresses that play these characters are often attractive and portrayed as sweet and innocent, contradicting the general idea that vigilantes are evil and sadistic. 

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